Didgeridoos, Boomerangs, & Clapping sticks

"Didgeridoos, Boomerangs, & Clapping sticks"

Music video on an internet television channel will provide the newest and most popular media tool for indigenous enterprise in Australia.

Currently there are diverse groups who wish to use this application but do not have the capacity for understanding the online capabilities of the internet.

Our group will coordinate and maintain the vast majority of indigenous Art Distribution based throughout Australia by supplying samples under a simple one stop shop preface in joint collaboration with a particular internet service provider.

Project description: 
Online music television channel, a way to expertly influence the indigenous arts and crafts markets whilst adding to them a promotional tool offering 'Social and Emotional Health and Well-being strategies.
Lead Organisation: 
Corrobboree College
Lead WWW: 
Contact Name: 
p yubbagurri brown
Contact Phone: 
02-6294 3893
Contact Mobile: 
0421 983 309
Contact Fax: 
Contact Email: 
Support Type: 
Matching Capital investment with major sponsors.
Current Partners: 
Currency Type: 
Australia-wide operation<br>Australian Capital Territory