
Australian Communcation Network Representative

ACN ( Australian Communication Network ) is a global Telecommuncations Network, which provides the latest digital software, for home & businesses. ACN Headquarters has been based in Sydney, Australia, since 1983, and only has a small percentage of the telecommuncations Networks next to other giants; such as Telstra. ACN is known for their global recognition, and opportunities exist for customers who either want to become Representatives or customers.

Didgeridoos, Boomerangs, & Clapping sticks

"Didgeridoos, Boomerangs, & Clapping sticks"

Music video on an internet television channel will provide the newest and most popular media tool for indigenous enterprise in Australia.

Currently there are diverse groups who wish to use this application but do not have the capacity for understanding the online capabilities of the internet.

Technology Training and Support Centres

This is a project to organize the establishment of local Technology Training and Support Centres (TTSC) in regional and remote communities. The primary beneficiaries will be Indigenous communities who are socially or economically disadvantaged and are on the other side of the Digital Divide.<p>

<b>What would a TTSC look like?</b><p>

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