Business Partnership

Goolarri Young Aboriginal Film and Radio Makers Fund

Goolarri Media Enterprises (GME) is a complex of entrepreneurial units that are highly successful in several fields. In 2014 Goolarri is looking for private equity and venture capital partners. This is a major opportunity for private sector partners to develop their businesses by partnering with the pre-eminent Broome communications company. Our goal is to secure partners who are prepared to invest $100k into each major division of our business in return for naming, sponsorship and consultation rights.

Goolarri Television 

Yalanji Mataka/Iron Rock Recycling

Make a comment or post any questions you may have about our enterprise at the Yalanji Mataka forum at this link: We look forward to your input! ---------------------------------------------- Yalanji Mataka/ 2011 Statement of Investment Needs Warehouse/Garage in Mossman with caretakers accommodation The warehouse garage needs to be on about an acre of land or more, and needs to have covered area for dismantling vehicles and storing spare parts.

Anderleigh Quarry Pty Ltd Indigenous Employment Development Initiative

Anderleigh Quarry believes that learning, education, development and initiative are the key ingredients to undertake an active hands on role in shaping the direction of the communities in which we live. We believe that we must live the values, morals and beliefs we hold to build a strong framework for todays fragile environment to ensure tomorrows community and environmental growth is embraced and is above all sustainable and meaningful.

Camel Culling Based Enterprise

An Australian mobile abattoir owner and operator is seeking other equity partners to develop this billion dollar camel products supply industry in Australia to produce returns of around 20% on investments.
There will be a preliminary exercise for this proposed project, to refine and develop camel field harvesting and processing techniques to suite the geography and infrastructure of the region. This is only necessary to develop the capability of an already existing mobile abattoir design and other specially developed technologies and portable infrastructures.

Yolngu Business Enterprises (YBE)

As Rio Tinto Alcans multi-billion dollar Gove upgrade nears its completion and begins to wind down, the major national construction firms that produced the work have begun to pack their bags. The expansion has meant production of alumina has increased, as have the movement and processing of ore, and the processing of waste. So, while major construction wanes, the requirements for expanded ongoing service provision creates new opportunities for Gove region businesses.<p>

Gumatj Enterprises

<a href=" Q_Gumatj.pdf"> Gumatj Enterprise An Article from Territory Q</a><p>

<a href=""> A Short Movie on Gumatj Initative and the Jack Thompson Foundation</a><p>

Didgeridoos, Boomerangs, & Clapping sticks

"Didgeridoos, Boomerangs, & Clapping sticks"

Music video on an internet television channel will provide the newest and most popular media tool for indigenous enterprise in Australia.

Currently there are diverse groups who wish to use this application but do not have the capacity for understanding the online capabilities of the internet.

Boys from the Bush

Remote Aboriginal communities are often characterised by outrageous levels of alcohol addiction and drunken violence, a large and growing drug problem amongst the youth, poor diets, parental neglect, overcrowded housing, mass idleness and boredom, vandalism, sexual assault and the collapse of formal education. All of which has resulted in abject poverty, loss of dignity, extremely poor physical and mental health, substance abuse, congenital and acquired brain damage, levels of ignorance comparable to Third World victims, and extremely high levels of incarceration and suicide.

Winchelsea Group

The landowners have identified tenements on their land to do exploratory mining.

Cape York Aquaculture development

Balkanu is aiming to attract investment in fish farming on indigenous lands in Cape York.

Balkanu is an indigenous business development organisation based in Cairns. We work closely with indigenous communities, land trusts, and individuals throughout Cape York. Our objective is the development of new business and investment on the Cape, working with indigenous people to grow the local economy.


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