Goolarri Young Aboriginal Film and Radio Makers Fund

Goolarri Media Enterprises (GME) is a complex of entrepreneurial units that are highly successful in several fields. In 2014 Goolarri is looking for private equity and venture capital partners. This is a major opportunity for private sector partners to develop their businesses by partnering with the pre-eminent Broome communications company. Our goal is to secure partners who are prepared to invest $100k into each major division of our business in return for naming, sponsorship and consultation rights.

Goolarri Television 

GTV has a focus on quality Australian short form content and plays a substantial and electric mix of short films of every genre from drama and comedy to animations. We are currently showing a great collection of short films from various festivals from around Australia. We are also broadcasting short films and short form works from film schools and art schools and pieces from a variety of independent film makers Australia wide.

Community Radio Station - 6GME Radio Goolarri 99.7 FM

Radio Goolarri first commenced broadcasting on ABC Regional Radio in August, 1991 with a one hour a week magazine program. As the station developed and the skills of trainees flourished the station gradually increased its airtime to meet staff and community demand. The station was eventually broadcasting 25 hours per week on ABC until it started to operate its own community radio license in July 1998 by broadcasting 24 hours a day. Radio Goolarri provides an avenue whereby social, cultural and political ideas and concerns can be expressed. It is also an area where traditional language, music and culture can be fostered along with the more contemporary forms of artistic expression. It’s a place where Indigenous people can tell their own stories in their own way. It’s also a place for non-Indigenous and Indigenous people to come together.

Goolarri Music

Goolari Music offers support and assistance to new, emerging and established Indigenous musicians whilst acting as a resource base for information and administration support.

Goolarri also undertakes ongoing workshops for musicians and artists from around the Kimberley, providing music performance development and business and management knowledge. In addition, Goolarri Music has partnerships with state and national industry stakeholders to focus on the development, distribution and rights of Indigenous musicians and their works, highlighting activities under four main components – professional development, marketing and promotion, resources and industry development.

Through Goolarri Media’s Indigenous Contemporary Music Strategy, we are determined to support Indigenous musicians and to the development of a sustainable industry throughout the Kimberley region of Western Australia. The Music Department offers support, resources, business advice, marketing, promotion and distribution opportunities including a range of other services and activities in support of our extraordinary Indigenous talent.

In addition, Goolarri’s events venues and event project management capabilities offer Indigenous musicians an opportunity to perform on a professional stage whilst gaining valuable exposure to an audience of community members, visitors and to

Goolarri Events

Goolarri Events hosts a variety of live music concerts, the internationally recognised Kimberley Girl events, NAIDOC Festival activities and numerous other smaller events throughout the calendar year including conferences, workshops and sundowners. These events are staged at one of Goolarri’s two venue facilities – The Gimme Club and the Goolarri Amphitheatre. The recently renovated Gimme Club has a capacity of up to 286 people whilst the Goolarri Amphitheatre can cater for up to 1200 guests. In addition many of the events produced at Goolarri Media are filmed and broadcast for a 12 month period through our Goolarri television station.

Goolarri Training

Goolarri Training provides the opportunity for participants to gain media skills and qualifications in a fully operational industry environment – meshing national competency standards with a strong Indigenous ethos.

The Goolarri ‘reality based’ training program reflects not only our strong commitment to Indigenous development in the region, but more importantly our commitment to fostering new leaders in the area of communications, media and the arts. 

CUF20107 Certificate II in Creative Industries (Media)

CUE20103 Certificate II in Live Production, Theatre and Events

CUF30107 Certificate III in Media

CUF40107 Certificate IV in Screen and Media

CUF50107 Diploma of Screen and Media

Kimberley Girl now in its 9th year is the search for a face that truly reflects the diverse culture, history and heritage of the beautiful and unique Kimberley region of Western Australia.

This event invites young Indigenous women from all over the Kimberley to participate in 3 days of professional development, deportment and grooming and modelling workshops culminating in the Kimberley Girl competition. Join us for the journey as we search for a beautiful role model and mentor, our next Kimberley Girl who will join the special group of previous Kimberley Girl winners Shulyn Hunter, Emily Jones, Mystique Dia, Emma MacNeill, Emma Sibosado, Aimee Howard, Buna-Tuaty Poelina and Lavinia Ketchell.

Kimberley Girl 2011

In 2011 Kimberley Girl exceeded all expectations and after a 3 week road trip for the heats, on the evening of October 14th Kimberley Girl culminated in the stylish, slick and much anticipated 2011 Kimberley Girl Final.

3 specialised facilitators and a tour manager undertook a 4 week road trip through Kununurra, Fitzroy Crossing and Broome delivering heats workshops and additional finals workshops in Broome. Kimberley Girl Cadet Kartika Christophers, Kira Fong and Mikey Torres delivered the 3 weeks of Kimberley Girl heats workshops whilst also involving Kimberley Girl Cadets Sarra Taylor, Katina Coffin and Kanetia Griffiths in delivery. Kira Fong also delivered the higher level week of finals workshops supported by additional specialised facilitators. Nommie Wade filled the role of Tour Manager whilst Andrew Chambers managed event production aspects. Managing Director Kevin Fong and BAMA Director Kathy Watson attended all the Kimberley Girl region events.

21 Indigenous girls between the ages of 16 and 25 participated in the Kimberley Girl program which in itself is one of 2011’s biggest highlights. The girls went through an incredible journey with a number of the participants proving that Kimberley Girl does make a difference and can change lives. It is not only moving but inspirational and makes us more determined to ensure the ongoing delivery of Kimberley Girl activities in the region.

Project description: 
Goolarri Education and Media Enterprises have had over twenty years of successful radio, television, film and training initiatives. Some of their most successful projects include: 99.7FM Radio Goolarri, GTV (Goolarri TV), Goolarri Music - which provides recording, events and training for local musicians, Goolarri events,
Lead Organisation: 
Goolarri Media Enterprises
Lead WWW:

Funding Type:

Contact Name: 
Kevin Fong
Contact Phone: 
Contact Mobile: 
Contact Email:

Funding Amount:


Kimberley WA
Campaign summary: 
Goolarri is campaigning for a young film and radio project fund. We are looking for donations of $10,000 which will be awarded to young up and coming film and radio makers to make a short film or radio documentary or presentation. Donors to this young film makers and radio documentary fund will be acknowledged in the works of the young film makers and will be invited to its opening screening and given a tour of Goolarri Media and will have lunch with local legend Bamba in a prominent local restaurant.
Campaign ID: