$20K - $50K

Rumble Bay Oyster Farm

<b>The Community</b>
Rumble Bay community, situated on the east coast of the Dampier Peninsula in an ideal location for aquaculture, is developing an edible oyster farming project. Currently there is no edible oyster aquaculture or fishing industry in the north west of Australia and oysters supplied to the region are transported from the eastern states or New Zealand, usually frozen and thawed. <p>

Bardi Ardyaloon Hatchery

Bardi Ardyaloon has established a tropical aquaculture hatchery near the Bardi community at One Arm Point, on the Dampier Peninsula. The hatchery was established to produce the top-shell Trochus niloticus which is an established Indigenous fishery in the community for the sale of the Mother-of-Pearl quality shell. As trochus stocks were indicated to be in decline the hatchery produces juvenile trochus for restocking purposes to support the commercial fishery and for sale to the aquarium industry in the eastern states.<p>

Mirrijini Pty Limited

Mirrijini was developed from the successful "pharmacy upgrade project" of the Tiwi Health Board on the Tiwi Islands 80 Kms North West of Darwin. Its features include a software program for dispensing and inventory control; the Websterpak system for long term chronic disease management; the supply of PBS using Section 100 of the National Health Act; and an advisory service from a resident or visiting pharmacist.

Maddarr Tourism Project

First Listed Yawuru Trading Floor<p>
<b>Estimated Start Date: July 2004<br>
Estimated Completion Date: Oct 2004<br>
Total Budget: $ 76,200 <br>
ISX Funds Requested: $39,710<br></b><p>

Mudnunn Aboriginal Corporation

Yawuru Trading Floor on May 19 to be presented by Vincent Angus and Digby Macintosh. Overview Project: Camping area/Tours Location: Gulan 12 km east of Lombadina/Djadardjin : 35 km south One Arm Point Existing Infrastructure: Camping area and in-house tours, i.e. mud crab, cultural, bush tucker Personnel: Angus family, i.e.


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