Mudnunn Aboriginal Corporation

Yawuru Trading Floor on May 19 to be presented by Vincent Angus and Digby Macintosh. Overview Project: Camping area/Tours Location: Gulan 12 km east of Lombadina/Djadardjin : 35 km south One Arm Point Existing Infrastructure: Camping area and in-house tours, i.e. mud crab, cultural, bush tucker Personnel: Angus family, i.e. members of Mudnunn Aboriginal Corporation Finance Needed: $30 - $50 K Form of Investment Required: 60/40 investor or a business loan Why: Sustainable industry for long term employment in a significant tourism area.

Business Potential: The Mudnunn Aboriginal Corporation are in a unique position to provide a suitable camping area for visitors to the Dampier Peninsular. Bookings to Date: There is substantial growth in Tourism/visitors to the region. This is due to improvement to the main road and the reputation of Vincent Angus and his family. Regular visitors to the area include: Notre Dame Exchange Students, Edith Cowan University, Wundagoodie Tours, Dampier Peninsular Womens Group Markets: The market for our area and tours are individual tourists, educational excursions, and cultural groups. Investment Required: We are seeking an investor so that we can finance minor earthworks to facilitate access and upgrade our camping area. Plant and machinery are available locally on hourly rates, gravel and top soil on site. Turf/grass and reticulation to be supplied by local businesses in Broome, transport at suppliers cost. Our preferred suppliers would be: Greenhillls Turf Farm and Hugall & Hoile Reticulation. The former is only one in the Kimberley. H & H is a statewide chain. Competitive Advantage of our Business: At present Kooljaman at Cape Leveque, Middle Lagoon, Mudarr and Ladjadarr Bay plus Mudnunn, which offers a range of tour options that are not available elsewhere. For a period of 6 years, Vincent Angus was instrumental in creating the interest in Aboriginal tourism at Kooljaman with the assistance, for a period of two years, of his niece Roseanne, together providing tours to visitors, e.g. mud crab/mangrove, bush tucker and cultural/local history. The experience in these organisations roughly parallels the knowledge of the members of Mudnunn who have been actively involved in Indigenous tourism for many years. The competitive advantage of the business is due to the fact that Vincent and his family members have established national and international reputations, appearing in a number of documentaries, trade shows for WATC, ATC, WATOC on the eastern seaboard and overseas. The tenure of the land area has been granted under native title and has been acknowledged by the Bardi-Jawi people as traditional land of the Angus family. Major Risks: If the camping area and surrounds are not completed, i.e. earth works, drainage, lawn planting for aesthetic and health purposes (dust control) it is unlikely that the site will continue to gain visitor support. The major risks are the same as any developing Tourism based business in relatively isolated areas roads and their condition, but as visitors are interested in accessing indigenous product, this can only benefit a business of this nature. The only operational risk that could be of concern would be a death in the family, requiring an appropriate period of mourning. Management: Vincent Angus Proprietor experienced tour guide and tourism trainer allied to Kimberley Tafe, ATC, WATOC, Digby Mackintosh. Consultant experienced tour guide, marketing and management of indigenous dance company in the N.T. plus indigenous artists management. Vincent has run his own business for years, initially contracted to Kooljaman since their time operating Mudnunn and Baniol Tours. Both people have experience with personnel and staff management from the construction, maritime and wholesale and retail industry. Operations: Daily routine for the camping area requires cleaning of ablution blocks, rubbish removal and general site maintenance. At the same time, the schedule for our tours is governed by the tide and to this end, the visitor/client is informed of such and a suitable rendezvous point arranged prior to departure, as not all clients are necessarily in-house. Tours generally last 2 to 3 hours, and involve some degree of travel. Equipment required to service such a venture are a ride-on-mower, hand mower, 2 x whipper snippers and a secure shed for storage. Regulations are those set down by the Shire of Broome. Financials: The business already exists, albeit in a very unsophisticated way. Operational costs are fairly low due to the Mudnunn CDEP programme which at present has some six registered participants, thereby the allowable weekly hours worked adequately covers the labour requirements to maintain and service the camping area. The major expenses are the Public Liability Insurance and the provision of potable water from existing sources. The revenue base comes from areas such as Notre Dames U.S. Student Exchange approximately 200 pax, Wundagoodie Tours regular business of educational and cultural tours approximately 400 pax across perhaps 4 or 5 separate tours. Dampier Peninsula Womens Group again about 120-200 pax. Gundawa Sport and Recreational groups with the emphasis on youth. Edith Cowan University tertiary student groups numbering 50 pax, also private visitors who choose to stay at Gulun plus the overflow from Kooljamon, which occurs on a fairly regular basis. The income stream is seasonally based roughly from the Easter period to late September/October and governed by the intensity of the wet season build up. Annual turnover averaged $20K over the last two years. Incurred costs, fuel consumption, vehicles and power generation is approximately 400 litres per week @ $1.30 per litre. Insurance $1,500 per annum. Wages of $400 - $500 during the season. Proprietor $250. p.w. and Managers $100 p.w. We believe that there will be an organic growth which is exponentially bound to the capacity of the camping area of approximately 200 to 300 pax at rates of $14 pax and groups of 20 pax plus @ $8. More detailed information is available to serious investors

Project description: 
Vincent Angus and his family members have established national and international reputations, appearing in a number of documentaries, trade shows for the Western Australian Tourist Commission, Australian Tourist Commission on the eastern seaboard and overseas. Now they need support to develop a camping area and tour site in their traditional country. The location is Gulan 12 km east of Lombadina/Djadardjin : 35 km south One Arm Point, Kimberley Region, WA.
Lead Organisation: 
Mudnunn Aboriginal Corporation
Contact Name: 
Digby Macintosh/Vincent Angus
Contact Phone: 
Contact Email:
Support Type: 
60/40 investor or a business loan
Currency Type: 

Funding Amount:


Western Australia - Kimberley