<b>The Community</b>
Rumble Bay community, situated on the east coast of the Dampier Peninsula in an ideal location for aquaculture, is developing an edible oyster farming project. Currently there is no edible oyster aquaculture or fishing industry in the north west of Australia and oysters supplied to the region are transported from the eastern states or New Zealand, usually frozen and thawed. <p>
<b>The Edible Oyster Market</b>
There is much potential for the establishment of an oyster farming enterprise in the Kimberley to grow clean oysters and supply the local market with product fresh from the ocean to the table. Considerable potential exists for the development of an oyster industry in the region, which can supply domestic and international markets. However the establishment of an initial oyster farm requires meeting quality assurance standards and the trial of culture techniques for the region.<p>
<b>The Project</b>
With community members having undertaken aquaculture training, basic infrastructure installed, suitable oyster species identified, and business planning nearly complete, Rumble Bay is seeking support to establish facilities and undertake an edible oyster research and industry development project growing black lip and milky or rock oysters. Facilities include an intertidal rack system of 40 suspended trays with the capacity to produce over 3000 oysters per production cycle. <p>
The collaborative project would include research and technical support provided by the Department of Fisheries WA and development support from KAAC. The trial would investigate quality assurance parameters for oyster farming including water analysis and health testing as well as biological and growth factors, standard production techniques and marketing. Rumble Bay community would be involved in daily maintenance and monitoring and the trial would not only support the successful establishment of a community enterprise but act as a catalyst to an oyster industry in the Kimberley.<p>
<b>Kimberley Aquaculture Aboriginal Corporation</b>
This project is supported by Kimberley Aquaculture Aboriginal Corporation (KAAC), the peak representative body for Indigenous aquaculture in the Kimberley. The non-profit organisation supports Aboriginal communities from the Dampier Peninsula to Kununurra in developing sustainable aquaculture enterprises and achieving significant involvement in the industry, with the objective of establishing a long-term economic base for communities and building the skills and capacity of Indigenous people.<p>
There are a number of communities in the Kimberley that have access to prime aquaculture resources particularly highly suitable land, good quality water and pristine location. They have excellent potential for growing a range of species including barramundi, freshwater prawns (Cherabin), edible oysters, aquarium fish, and particularly marine prawns. What they are lacking is capital and start-up finance to develop aquaculture enterprises.<p>
Communities are seeking a range of investment from joint venture partnerships to start-up grants. Proponents interested in investment in community aquaculture ventures can contact KAAC to discuss potential sites and community enterprises further.<p>
KAAC is collaboratively supporting a number of specific community projects in their developing stages.<p>