First listed Kuku Yalanji Trading Floor<p>
Our goal is to create a not-for-profit Aboriginal owned business: Registered Training Organisation, which provides accredited education and training primarily for Aboriginal people of the South Coast region of NSW (from La Perouse to the Victorian Border).<p> Education/training/workforce development would be provided in the area of substance misuse prevention and related areas including mentoring, counselling skills, community and business development, computer literacy, Aboriginal health worker training, Aboriginal art and culture, on the job training and assessment, family history and connections, cross-cultural education and competency. The business would be maintained financially through provision of specialist training to the non-Indigenous community and utilisation of available Government training subsidies.<p>
Initially the investment will be used to contract a consultant (recurrent over two years) to develop and implement a business plan for the establishment of the RTO. The consultant would work closely with the staff of the SCMSAC and AHHS in the development of this proposal and be accountable to the CEO of the SCMSAC in the setting up of the business. <p>
The RTO would run as an independent business accountable to a selected Board of Management, with a charter to provide services appropriate to the development of Self-Determination of Aboriginal families and communities along the South Coast NSW. <p>
A number of organisations have attempted to move towards developing some aspects of training of Aboriginal people on the South Coast. The challenge however is also to move from a Government funded Service to an independent Aboriginal owned business.<p>
The strength of this proposal is that it would be under the self-management of Aboriginal people from the South Coast of NSW and not answerable to outside influences, including Government other than to meet all the legal and standard requirements of an effective business. The business would become self-sustaining through the outsourcing of education packages and workplace training and assessment. <p>
Current staff, of the SCMSAC and the AHHS, are Aboriginal people with extensive training and tertiary qualifications in workplace training and assessment, substance misuse education and prevention, community development, adult education and primary health care<p>.
The enterprise will employ 1 consultant to develop and implement the business plan for the RTO. This consultant would work closely with SCMSAC/AHHS staff to develop the business and expand employment opportunities for Aboriginal people in the business.<p>
Project or Company Name: South Coast Aboriginal Holistic Healing Service (AHHS). Auspiced by South Coast Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation (SCMSAC)<p>
Area of Business: Substance Abuse Prevention: Accredited Education and Training/Workforce Development for Aboriginal Families and Communities on the South Coast NSW<p>
Location: Nowra NSW<br>
Contact: Craig Ardler CEO SCMSAC<br>
Address: PO Box 548 Nowra NSW 2541<br>
Phone: 02. 4428 6629 Mobile: 0411 0966 16 <br>Email:<br>
Contact: Marilyn Pittman Service Manager AHHS<br>
Address: 52a Worrigee St (PO Box 1163) Nowra NSW 2541<br>
Phone: 02. 4422 3577 Mobile: 0404 87 8647 <br>Email: <br>