First Listed Yawuru Trading Floor<p>
<b>Estimated Start Date: July 2004<br>
Estimated Completion Date: Oct 2004<br>
Total Budget: $ 76,200 <br>
ISX Funds Requested: $39,710<br></b><p>
The Maddarr project is designed around the communities CDEP strategy and is focused on the development of an economic tourism activity to improve the self sufficiency participants. This remote outstation is three hours by four-wheel drive vehicle from Broome.<p>
Members of the community operate the Barramundi Moon tourist camp which incorporates day tours, overnight camping and small conferences. Tours will focus on lifestyle and culture sharing activities which the community will run on site as part of their development of an independent economic focus.<p>
The community is seeking funds to upgrade and make safe a public open space area around its swimming pool and spa area with funds for appropriate fencing and shade cover and an upgrade of cabin facilities.<p>
In order to maximise funds, the community is seeking assistance with funding for materials which they will install themselves. If this submission is successful they will construct the infrastructure as outlined as part of their ongoing CDEP activity. This process will not only develop the community's physical infrastructure but establish a sense of pride and ownership in the ongoing development of the business venture.<p>
Letters of support are available from the from the Dampier Peninsula Tourism Working group, The Kullarri Regional CDEP Inc, Kimberley Tourism Association and the Broome Visitors Centre, Last Resort Backpackeers and Best of the Kimberley.<p>
The Maddarr Aboriginal Corporation project exposes the wider Australian community and Aboriginal people to improved lifestyle and amenity while improving income leading to self-sufficiency.<p>
The Maddarr Aboriginal Corporation intends to achieve economic self determination for its members through the development of enterprise and employment opportunities. The tourism venture is and integral part of this drive. In the early years the tourism venture will provide financial resources to top up income earned through CDEP with a view to reducing dependence on welfare.<p>
Establishment of the tourism venture will allow the community to showcase Aboriginal community living and lifestyle in a progressive and positive way. It provides a means by which community members can take control of community affairs and assume management of the surrounding environment.<p>
For a relatively small investment as outlined in the application the multiplier and flow on effects to the community will be considerable. Increased employment and income, social and cultural pride and independence, reconciliation opportunities between Aboriginal people and the wider community.<p>
<table><table border><th>List each item of project expenditure</th>
<th>Applicant Cash Component $</th>
<th>ISX funds Requested $</th>
<th>In kind labour $</th>
<th>Other cash contributions $</th>
<th>Total Project Cash Cost $</th><tr>
<td><b>Shade sale purchase & installation</b></td>
<td> </td>
<td><b>Rubbish bins/compost bins</b></td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td><b>Pool fencing materials</b></td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td><b>Cabin upgrade</b></td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td><tr>
<td><b>Transport to site</b></td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td><b>Total Project Cash Cost(exclusive of GST)</b> </td>
<td> </td>
<td><b>GST 10%</b></td>
<td> </td>
<td><b>Total Investment Sought through ISX</b></td>
<td> </td>
ABN: 35 365 067 425<br>
Postal Address: PO Box 200, Broome WA 6725<br>
Contact Person: Mark Manado<br>
Position Title: Chairperson<br>
Telephone: 0417 099 638 <br>