The aim is to train Indigenous people in Aviation Ground Handling/Air Freight which leads into supporting communities to establish their own aviation business. In addition we are interested in heavy machinery and other logistical operations assocaited with getting into the Mining Industry.
A Resume for Keith Jarby is currently being prepared interested parties should contact me on the phone numbers below.
I want to establish Soulveg as the most innovative and delicious vegetarian restaurant around and show people how much variety and flavour our food has to offer.
Education Transformations is a not-for profit organisation which brings expertise and experience in advocacy, education planning, community liaison, holistic community development, governance, infrastructure design, project management and training.
The Shine Training Restaurant, will be situated in the town of Sarina in Central Queensland. The concept behind The Shine Training Restaurant, came from my own desire to have a successful small business and to give opportunities to my local indigenous population that were severely lacking. I am a proud indigenous male and I want to give my deadly brothers and sisters, the chance to do something that gives them some self-esteem and self-belief, something they have been told for many years they aren't allowed to have.
Goolarri Media Enterprises is one of the most vibrant Indigenous media and communications enterprises in Australia. With only a very small budget Goolarri has proved that it has the know-how, spirit and culture to become a major Indigenous enterprise. Because of our unique location in Broome, our strong connections with communities across the top end of Australia, the successes we have had in mainstream radio and television and our industry-based training and education strategy, Goolarri is a magnet for Indigenous young people from all over Australia.
The enterprise is a cafe that provides not only standard cafe food but will also offer Indigenous dishes and Indigenous experiences for the tourist and domestic market. The essential reason for choosing to sell Indigenous foods and experiences is because research has shown that the Indigenous foods and cultural market is a growing market and there is a potential for <i>Bough Shed Cafe</i> to grow and maximise its profit from this expanding market.<p>
Our goal is to develop a centre that will provide skills, knowledge and awareness for emerging Indigenous Communities/outstations/new homelands looking at ways to establish their communities for future sustainability using alternative applications of power and water and the establishment of ventures for the focus of sustainability, life style and profit. <p>
The enterprise will hold a sustainable community development focus and provide research and training for Indigenous governance in the areas of:<p><ul>
<li>Providing opportunity for individuals subject to long term unemployment to engage actively in the workforce.
<li>Mentoring and coaching for work readiness
<li>Personal Development (Training, providing opportunity for obtaining various certificates and licenses)
<li>To link them with local business and secure long term employment opportunities.