Seeking Partners and Supporters

Gimme Music

Goolarri Media Enterprises Pty Ltd is building a phased development of its music arm <i>Gimme Music</i>. As <i>Gimme Music</i> develops Goolarri is seeking expressions of interest from potential partners and joint venture investors to develop the production, publishing and marketing side of its music business.<p>

<i>Gimme Music</i> is based upon the the Gimme Music production facilities as well as the development of the Gimme Music publishing group and Label.<p>

Wha'sup? - TV Minidramas Written and Created by Indigenous Young People

<i>Wha'sup?</i> is a customary young peoples greeting in the Kimberley. It is a greeting as well as a question about what is happening.<p>
The idea of this project is to empower and engage young, local Indigenous people to talk about their own issues as they work on the development, performance and production of film stories about their experiences.<p>

Tjurubalan Tubs

There is an opportunity to develop a laundry service that caters for all of the Tjurubalan communities resourced by CDEP participants with the assistance of a business mentor or philanthropic investor. A partnership with one of the communities in particular Mindibungu being strategically placed to offer a regional laundry service would be targeted, possibly with micro businesses in each of the townsites. With a labour source funded initially through the CDEP program the activity would offer part time employment of up to three jobs.

Wunan Foundation

Wunan Foundation was established in 1997 by the ATSIC Wunan Regional Council. ATSIC Commissioner Ian Trust was the Founding Chairperson of Wunan Foundation. The key objective of the Foundation is to alleviate poverty amongst Aboriginal people in the East Kimberley by supporting long-term Aboriginal community development. The Foundation seeks to achieve this by raising funds directly and by making investments that will generate long-term economic and employment benefits for Aboriginal people in the region.<p>

Aboriginal Tourism Association

ATA is the national peak body for Indigenous tourism. It is a non government, non profit organisation and operates on a competitive project basis. The organization was established in response to a recommendation of the draft National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Tourism Industry Strategy (NATSITIS) which was developed in response to recommendations arising from the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCADIC). <p>

Kimberley Centre for Indigenous and Community Economic Development

The Kimberley Centre for Indigenous and Community Economic Development enables local people to perform their own economic analyses, determine their own goals, and implement their own ideas. Our staff provides training with techniques, concepts, and tools, but local people carry out the project: it is done by them, not to them. The result is ownership of the project and ongoing sustainability


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