Building and Construction

Gumatj Enterprises

<a href=" Q_Gumatj.pdf"> Gumatj Enterprise An Article from Territory Q</a><p>

<a href=""> A Short Movie on Gumatj Initative and the Jack Thompson Foundation</a><p>

Nyikina Cultural Centre

The Project is a model of best practice for improving remote Indigenous life outcomes by providing cultural solutions to promoting social harmony and creating real employment through sustainable cultural industries such as tourism, land care and cultural education.

The Project is a natural and essential development for improving and sustaining social, cultural and economic outcomes of Indigenous people and others in the West Kimberley Region.

It has wide support from various levels of government, business and community interests.

Centrefarm Aboriginal Horticulture Ltd

In recent years horticulture has emerged as an important new industry in Central Australia with the potential to provide significant economic and employment opportunities for Aboriginal landowners. <p>
The current industry focus is on production of early maturing table grapes however research by NT Departments responsible for primary industries (DPIFM) has identified citrus, mangoes, tomatoes, asparagus, dates and other commercial crops suitable also.<P>

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