Joint Venture

Yalanji Mataka/Iron Rock Recycling

Make a comment or post any questions you may have about our enterprise at the Yalanji Mataka forum at this link: We look forward to your input! ---------------------------------------------- Yalanji Mataka/ 2011 Statement of Investment Needs Warehouse/Garage in Mossman with caretakers accommodation The warehouse garage needs to be on about an acre of land or more, and needs to have covered area for dismantling vehicles and storing spare parts.

Yolngu Business Enterprises (YBE)

As Rio Tinto Alcans multi-billion dollar Gove upgrade nears its completion and begins to wind down, the major national construction firms that produced the work have begun to pack their bags. The expansion has meant production of alumina has increased, as have the movement and processing of ore, and the processing of waste. So, while major construction wanes, the requirements for expanded ongoing service provision creates new opportunities for Gove region businesses.<p>

Gumatj Enterprises

<a href=" Q_Gumatj.pdf"> Gumatj Enterprise An Article from Territory Q</a><p>

<a href=""> A Short Movie on Gumatj Initative and the Jack Thompson Foundation</a><p>

Boys from the Bush

Remote Aboriginal communities are often characterised by outrageous levels of alcohol addiction and drunken violence, a large and growing drug problem amongst the youth, poor diets, parental neglect, overcrowded housing, mass idleness and boredom, vandalism, sexual assault and the collapse of formal education. All of which has resulted in abject poverty, loss of dignity, extremely poor physical and mental health, substance abuse, congenital and acquired brain damage, levels of ignorance comparable to Third World victims, and extremely high levels of incarceration and suicide.

Winchelsea Group

The landowners have identified tenements on their land to do exploratory mining.

Cape York Aquaculture development

Balkanu is aiming to attract investment in fish farming on indigenous lands in Cape York.

Balkanu is an indigenous business development organisation based in Cairns. We work closely with indigenous communities, land trusts, and individuals throughout Cape York. Our objective is the development of new business and investment on the Cape, working with indigenous people to grow the local economy.

Outback Reptiles Pty Ltd

Outback Reptiles will feature a quality display of native reptiles and be built on a 6.5 Ha block adjoining Dubbo Western Plains Zoo

A comprehensive Business Plan has been prepared. with :
1. A Break-Even Analysis
2. A schedule of Start-Up Costs
3. A pre Start-Up Cash Flow report
4. Cash Flow Projections for each of the first three years
5. A summary of all Cash Flow Projections
6. A summary of Start-Up Costs
7. Profit & Loss Projections

Goolarri Training

In December 2003 Goolarri Media Enterprises received Registered Training Organisation (RTO) status. <p>

Goolarri Media Enterprises currently has an excellent reputation on the National Training Circuit, for its Reality Based training model and has won the WA State Training Award for Excellence in Sept 2003, and a finalist in the Prime Ministers National Training Awards. <p>


Goolarri Media Knowledge Centre

Goolarri Media Enterprises is one of the most vibrant Indigenous media and communications enterprises in Australia. With only a very small budget Goolarri has proved that it has the know-how, spirit and culture to become a major Indigenous enterprise. Because of our unique location in Broome, our strong connections with communities across the top end of Australia, the successes we have had in mainstream radio and television and our industry-based training and education strategy, Goolarri is a magnet for Indigenous young people from all over Australia.

On the Edge

<i>On the Edge</i> is a 13x one hour drama series. Pindan Media is a small town communications and entertainment company representing a local melting pot of nationalities. Minority groups are the driving force behind Pindan. But on a shoe string budget, too many egos and not enough hours in the day, obstacles abound. Passions and tempers run high. The staff wade their way through the murkiness of politics and dark secrets to define their own stories with a real edge to them.


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