TRYP (To Reach Your Potential) is the brain child of Col Watego, a proud Bundjalung and Torres Strait Island man with a distinguished 39 year career in the Australian military.
The ISX is campaigning to expand the model so that up to 200 participants a year can have the benefit of building their skills through TRYP activities. You can help by making a donation to the TRYP foundation.
What TRYP does?
TRYP uses the concept of a boot camp, adventure and team building to support foundation life skills for Indigenous people that will help them succeed in any sphere of life or work.
TRYP has a range of different models aimed at different age groups and needs
TRYP [KIDS] Designed for younger children under the age of 12 to build strong foundations in essential life skills through understanding values and making good choices.
TRYP [YOUTH BOOTCAMP] Designed for youth between the ages of 12-17 to assist in the development of leadership, teamwork and life skills, based on a military model.
TRYP [YOUTH ADVANCED BOOTCAMP] Designed to propel youth to a higher level of effective team participation with a focus on leadership development.
TRYP [MENTORING] Provides an opportunity for participants over the age of 18 to develop inter-personal and intra-personal skills through the participation as a role model and leader in a specific TRYP Youth Program.
TRYP [SOLDIER FOR A DAY] Designed for corporate, business, community and sporting organisations to build their teamwork, leadership and communications skills using a military model.
TRYP has been successfully run at Illaroo Farm on the Shoalhaven River and at other venues.
How can you help?
The vision is to put 200 plus participants a year through the TRYP program with entry open to urban, regional and remote area Indigenous participants. You can help by donating to the TRYP foundation which is a fund that is invested to support the ongoing program. The interest from the fund will support TRYP to expand and develop.
What is TRYP’s goal?
The concept is to create a powerful ‘Indigenous youth and young adult force’ with sound values and capabilities, a group that individually and collectively truly reaches their full potential.
TRYP is a unique Australian development but it echoes President Kennedy’s Peace Corps and President Clinton’s Youth Force which were aimed at ensuring inner city young people could participate more readily in American work and life.
The project will save government tens of millions a year in expenditure by keeping Indigenous young people away from police and corrections and moving them towards meaningful employment.
How does TRYP work?
TRYP profoundly affects the lives of its participants. Check this video.
Why is TRYP important?
TRYP is an important initiative in the context of Australia’s Indigenous Pre-Employment Crisis. The key dimensions of the crisis are well known: low year 9-12 Indigenous school retention and a low level of non-school qualifications by Indigenous people.
The lack of conventional education and training often makes it difficult for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to meet employment requirements. This in turn creates a lack of confidence and practical experience for many Indigenous people applying for jobs. However even when Year 12 is completed in many cases young people lack confidence and core competencies.
The TRYP experience creates much needed foundation life skills that will help each participant to succeed in life and work. The youthfulness of Aboriginal Australia is a major asset. In the context of an aging general population, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people should be a major force for good in the nation as well as taking advantage of employment opportunities as Australia’s economy and society changes over the 21st century. TRYP will help all Indigenous participants realise their potential as personal achievers, family members, community builders and national role models and practical doers.