Our organisation takes pride in its record of advancing the cause of Indigenous economic development.<p>
We see the accumulation of assets and participation in the mainstream economy as one of the significant opportunities for Australia's Indigenous peoples.<p>
It is also a means of ending the poverty to which so many of our people are subjected to and that so often ends in unacceptably high levels of poor health, rates of imprisonment and a number of other social problems being experienced in our communities.<p>
The Foundation comprises a Board of Management and a staff of two people led by Managing Director <a href=" http://www.isx.org.au/people/1244696662_4148.html">Barry Taylor</a>.<p>
I urge you to explore our <a href="http://www.nnyf.com.au">website</a> to find out how the Foundation can assist Indigenous Australians to pursue the dream of economic empowerment.<p>
If you are visiting our site as a member of the private sector, I encourage you to talk to our staff about ways of doing business with the Foundation.<p>
Darren Wade Injie<br>
<b>What we are seeking from the ISX trading floor</b><p>
The Ngarda Ngarli Foundation is seeking supporters and investors who will work with us on economic programs, that will ultimately lead to employment, economic and social prosperity for all Indigenous peoples of Western Australia's Pilbara region. Please contact CEO <a href=" http://www.isx.org.au/people/1244696662_4148.html">Barry Taylor</a><p>
<b>Our Record of Achievement</b><p>
NNYF have already played an enormous role in fostering economic development in the Pilbara region winning the Prime Minister's Award for Community Partnership in 2003 for its role in the formation of Ngarda Civil and Mining.<p>
With the abolition of ATSIC, the organisation has acted in the best interests of the region and the wider Western Pilbara aboriginal community, and has changed the constitution of the Foundation and retained its current Committee of Management, to ensure regional representation is maintained within the organisation, until such time new membership and a review of the electoral boundaries can be progressed.<p>
<b>Our Challenges</b><p>
Our challenge is to address the lack of capital and access to financial markets faced by Indigenous people. <p>
NNYF is a lean and mean Foundation. We do not receive any form of government grants or Native Title compensation, and we are constantly looking for private sector partners who will work with us to achieve our goals.<p>
<b>Our Region</b><p>
The Pilbara contains significant economic development opportunities and, sadly, a significant number of people who are not able to participate in these opportunities.<p>
In many ways the Pilbara has a dual economy, it contains a resource sector that is currently enjoying boom-times, alongside an Indigenous population with extremely high levels of unemployment and poverty.<p>
While native title processes were meant to provide greater economic and employment opportunities to Indigenous People in regions such as the Pilbara, the overall statistics shows little of this potential has been realised.<p>
Native Title processesas meaningful and valuable as they arecannot be expected to produce the range of economic and employment opportunities Indigenous People require, without complementary support measures and a regional strategy that encourages Indigenous participation.<p>
Many companies have nurtured close relationships with Indigenous communities and organizations such as the Foundation, and are eager to assist in improving the quality of life of Indigenous People wherever they can. <p>
Despite these advances, Indigenous participation in the region's economy remains unacceptably low.<p>
<b>Regional Economic Empowerment</b><p>
The Ngarda Ngarli Yarndu Foundation Inc. currently undertakes a regional approach to Indigenous economic and employment development. It recognises that the Western Pilbara region is economic and social sphere that defines its own needs, constraints and opportunities for development. <p>
Our view is that regional Indigenous economic empowerment must center on the participation of Indigenous People in private sector markets.<p>
We will continue to be very pro active in ensuring that Indigenous People are brought into the mainstream of the regions economy, including the planning and development of the region as a whole. <p>
Currently, there are structures in place to promote regional development planning and decision-making. However, many of these are divided along Indigenous and non-Indigenous lines, and subsequently lack a fully integrated approach to regional economic development.<p>
While mining is far and away the largest sector in the region, there are other sectors that need to be included, such as tourism, essential services, passive investments etc. In addition, there are a number of other industry sectors that affect all sectors, such as the retail and construction sectors. Thus, Indigenous participation in the regional economy requires an assessment of all these industry sectors and strategies.<p>
Partnerships between key local and regional actors with joint ventures for commercial purposes; and regional and local economic planning are of great importance for Indigenous Australians. <p>
They provide an important mechanism for participation by Indigenous People in the social and economic affairs of the Western Pilbara region. Thus, regional partnerships can be used as a mechanism for participation, but also as a means to reach agreement from all regional stakeholders on future development.<p>
<b>Our Pitch to Business</b><p>
NNYF is actively seeking business partners that will support the development of economic programs leading to employment, economic and social prosperity for all Indigenous peoples of the Western Pilbara region.<p>
The cost of doing little or nothing is unthinkable to us. The continued income support for Indigenous Australians through the Department of Social Security and CDEP program, plus the indirect costs of long-term economic marginalisation and associated social problems are of a magnitude that cannot be afforded by the wider community, and are leading to a continuous tragedy for Indigenous people.<p>
Helping Indigenous People to become economically independent in a partnership relationship with the Ngarda Ngarli Yarndu Foundation Inc., will generate tax revenue, enhance national production and Australia's mining companies international reputation, as well as returning major dividends in areas of social policy such as health and housing.<p>
Unless something is done now then our children will face an even more divided society than is currently the case. Hunter, Kinfu et al. (2003) describe how the overall situation for Indigenous people will continue to deteriorate in the coming decade, because of the enormous difficulties of economic catch-up in a rapidly changing, skills-based, and competitive labour market. This is exacerbated by locational disadvantage, poor human capital endowments, and social exclusion.<p>
The Ngarda Ngarli Yarndu Foundation Inc. since its inception, has created many employment opportunities for Indigenous people of the Pilbara region, and has given opportunities for indigenous people to show their skills, receive remuneration accordingly, provide for their families and lead their community with pride.
Join with us to make a difference in our region.<p>