
Timothy Buthimang

Timothy Buthimang is an inspiring Yolngu Elder working tirelessly to create a market garden that will provide fresh healthy produce to his community and meaningful employment for his family.

ChewYings Lawn and Horticulture

ChewYings provides a service that is maintenance of Lawns and Gardens if you would like to inquire about our model or obtain our services please contact Robert or visit our website.

Yolngu Business Enterprises (YBE)

As Rio Tinto Alcans multi-billion dollar Gove upgrade nears its completion and begins to wind down, the major national construction firms that produced the work have begun to pack their bags. The expansion has meant production of alumina has increased, as have the movement and processing of ore, and the processing of waste. So, while major construction wanes, the requirements for expanded ongoing service provision creates new opportunities for Gove region businesses.<p>

The Shine Training Restaurant

The Shine Training Restaurant, will be situated in the town of Sarina in Central Queensland. The concept behind The Shine Training Restaurant, came from my own desire to have a successful small business and to give opportunities to my local indigenous population that were severely lacking. I am a proud indigenous male and I want to give my deadly brothers and sisters, the chance to do something that gives them some self-esteem and self-belief, something they have been told for many years they aren't allowed to have.

Centrefarm Aboriginal Horticulture Ltd

In recent years horticulture has emerged as an important new industry in Central Australia with the potential to provide significant economic and employment opportunities for Aboriginal landowners. <p>
The current industry focus is on production of early maturing table grapes however research by NT Departments responsible for primary industries (DPIFM) has identified citrus, mangoes, tomatoes, asparagus, dates and other commercial crops suitable also.<P>

Oongkalkada - Centre for Sustainable Living

Our goal is to develop a centre that will provide skills, knowledge and awareness for emerging Indigenous Communities/outstations/new homelands looking at ways to establish their communities for future sustainability using alternative applications of power and water and the establishment of ventures for the focus of sustainability, life style and profit. <p>
The enterprise will hold a sustainable community development focus and provide research and training for Indigenous governance in the areas of:<p><ul>


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