Who are We
The SITP aims to assist three tennis coaches to get their coachingqualifications this year - Lua Penrith De Burgh, Terrence Murphy and Alfred
Coolwell. Thanks to funding from the Elsa Dixon program they are all currently employed on a part-time basis by Jensens as trainee coaches and will be commencing additional coaching training programs at Tennis NSW soon. Lua, the program founder and project coordinator, is an experienced Indigenous tennis player and regular
fixture at Jensens Tennis Centre in Surry Hills, where she plays competitive and social tennis.
Terrence has recently joined the Jensens club ladder competition and currently works for the National Centre forIndigenous Excellence.
Alfred is an experienced tennis player and traditional storyteller and didgeridoo player.
How you can help?
Donations are needed to buy equipment such as tennis balls, racquets, tennis shoes, clothing and to train and employ Indigenous tennis coaches to deliver and run the program.
All donors will receive the monthly newsletter unless you request otherwise.
Donations of $2 or over are Tax Deductible and 100% will go towards the program. Cheques to the SITP can made out to the Aboriginal Medical
Service Cooperative Ltd.
Please specify your donation is put towards the Sydney Indigenous Tennis Program/SITP and send it to: SITP C/O Aboriginal Medical Service,
P.O. Box 1174 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) specify Account Name: AMS Deductable
Gift Fund, BSB: 062231, Account No: 10200781, Reference: SITP
The SITP also needs volunteers to help with program administration and fundraising activities so we can build and grow the SITPs long-term sustainability.
For further information contact:
Lua Penrith De Burgh, SITP Project Coordinator
ph: 0449 519 777, email: boomerangel2004@yahoo.com.au or
Sylvia DeAngelis, Jensens Tennis Centre
ph: (02) 9698 9451, email: info@jensenstennis.com.au
Sydney Indigenous Tennis Program
(at www.tennis.com.au/sitp
The Latest News
On behalf of everyone involved in the Sydney Indigenous Tennis Program (SITP) I am very excited to send you an update on our activities for the last few months in the attached newsletter.
Thank you very much to everyone who has donated to the program or who are currently supporting it in any way.
Some of the latest highlights include SITP trainee tennis coaches attending a special one-day course to enable us to deliver Traditional Indigenous Games which we are now including in tennis class warm-ups for the kids classes. We also attended the Certificate IV Indigenous Mentoring Course held by Tribal Warrior Association and will be receiving our certificates this week.
Interest in tennis is growing amongst the Indigenous community and we started an additional class for young and talented Indigenous children who show potential in tennis here at Jensen's Tennis Centre once a week.
Recently, the SITP proudly participated in NAIDOC activities at the Aboriginal Medical Service and also delivered tennis for National Centre for Indigenous Excellence for their NAIDOC day and their school holiday program.
We are looking forward to continuing to deliver afterschool tennis classes for children attending the Redfern Community Centre and tennis on the block in Redfern as part of Family and Culture day once a month and video documenting our activities thanks to a generous donation of a video camera from the Aboriginal Medical Service. Thanks too go to Jensen's for providing me with office space and for assisting with the administration of the SITP.
Note: We will be conducting a free tennis coach training workshop at Jensen's Tennis Centre in July for adults who may wish to become a tennis coach for the SITP. If you are interested or know someone who is interested in doing this 1/2 day workshop please contact me as soon as possible.