2017 Mata Mata Support Visit. A Message from Batumbil Burarrwanga: The time has come for us to gather at the sacred wäŋa (homelands) again. Last year was such a great pleasure to “walk the yolŋu road” with my sons, grandson, sisters and friends from all over Australia. My “team” of visitors allowed us to retrace the footsteps of my father and our journey so many years ago across the lands we sing and dance and guard. It meant a great deal to the entire community.
This year we will stay closer to the Mata Mata and Gikal area and focus on the day to day djäma (work) of life: weaving, gathering materials, dyes, bush food and on dhäwu (stories) of times past, gurtha (fire) and many other things. I particularly hope that women who are interested in weaving and art will come to work with me, learn and share. There is also an opportunity for the more adventurous to go with my son Terence to walk Inglis Island but this year I need to stay closer to home.
This year has been trying for our family because of health issues and the passing of our great elders and leaders. So apologies for the relatively short notice, our time has to be quite short on the calendar due to oncoming commitments for ceremony and funerals.
As ever my heart is open and I want to welcome you. Please come and support us once again and let us also support you. Thank you for your interest and your concern for our precious homelands.
20 June 2017
From Friday 14th July 2017 EarlyArrivals at Gove & Mata Mata
Pickups from Gove Airport 16th July - 3rd August 2017
Friday 4-7 August 2017 Garma
Pickups Gove Airport 8th August 2017
9 - 14th August 2017 Inglis Island walk
Download the attached lead pdf file below for more detail
See these links for more about our beautiful homeland
Bungul (Ceremony) at Mata Mata