Walking the Yolngu Road 2016

A once in a lifetime chance to walk "the Yolngu road" through one of the most beautiful parts of North East Arnhem Land. This 60 km walk is by invitation only and requires the approval and consent of the traditional owners and residents of the area.  Expressions of interest are now open and welcome. Expressions of interest/Applications to join the walk close 1 September 2016. Permits will be required to visit Aboriginal land and will be activated once formal permission is granted by the elders. Dates of the walk:  Sept 17 to 25 2016.
Project description: 
Walking the Yolngu Road Rrarrandharr “Dry Season” walk Sept 17 to 25 2016 Mata Mata to Elizabeth Bay/Cape Wilberforce Hosted by Batumbil Burarrwanga and family
Lead Organisation: 
Mata Mata Homelands
Contact Name: 
Peter Botsman
Contact Phone: 
Contact Mobile: 
Contact Email: 
Current Partners: 
Australian Wilderness Training

Funding Amount:


North East Arnhem Land
Campaign summary: 
* Batumbil Burarrwanga is walking to visit her fathers grave site at Elizabeth Bay in September. She will be surveying her lands and teaching young people about the “yolngu road” she treked with her family when she was young. * The path to Elizabeth Bay follows the footsteps of one of the sacred ancestral dogs of the region to the place that he still sits today guarding the land and sea at Cape Wilberforce. * The walk is to teach young Yolngu people about their country as well as invited non-Yolngu guests. * The walk partly follows the trail of the legendary lost children Ian and James Gurruwiwi who will also be accompanying us on the walk. As very young children Ian and James survived on their own in the region for a week or more - this is still the stuff of legend. Living off the land will be the order of the day for all walkers. * The walk has never been done before by non-Yolngu people.
Campaign title: 
Walking the Yolngu Road 2016