The Seven Generations Plan was developed under the auspices of Habitat Personnell and the South Coast Aboriginal Community Development Organisation It was meant to be a planning guide for current generations of children and the grand children of the future. It is useful as a discussion document and its owners are the Yuin/Ngunnawal people and the Aboriginal people that have come to the South Coast of NSW, the inland areas including the Australian Capital Territory.
Bangaleee (the Shoalhaven River) was the life source for the Yuin people. Its 34 tributaries connected the coast to the inland, the mountains to the sea and all of the clan groups of the region.
From the earliest maps we can determine that there were at least five inter-connected South Coast clan groups: the Taija, the Djirritjan, Balgarlia, Walbanja, Wandadian, Wodi Wodi, Tarawal, Ngunnawal, Gandagara peoples.
This seven generations whole of life plan takes its inspiration from the Shoalhaven River.