Joan Evans

My name is Joan Evans. My family and I are Kuruma. I was born in Roebourne in 1952 and lived there till 1984, when I moved to Wickham. I have two daughters whom have blessed me with five grand children.<p>

I have only just recently started painting. I enjoy and prefer to do scribble and circle work as I am learning new skills and techniques in the art area. I was employed with CDEP, and based at Muralagauh Buai a Torres Strait Islander art centre as a cleaner at first but soon become interested in the aspects of art and craft and then decided to enroll in an art course which I thoroughly enjoy.<p>

When I was young I spent a lot of time with my grandparents during the school holidays. Late at night I would lay back and watch the stars and listen to the stories that my grandmother would share. I remember one story that my grandmother told me about when the emus lays their eggs you can see a giant emu in the sky formed from the stars.<p>

My time with grandmother listening to all the interesting stories she would share with me has influenced greatly in my ideas and paintings.<p>

You can make an appointment to see Joan's art works through Raelene or the Muralagauh Buai art centre at the numbers below.<p>

Project description: 
Joan Evans is one of the dynamic elder artists and painters from Muralagauh Buai.
Lead Organisation: 
Muralagauh Buai
Lead WWW: 
Contact Name: 
Raelene Saylor
Contact Phone: 
Contact Mobile: 
Contact Fax: 
Contact Email:
Support Type: 
Current Partners: 
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Western Australia - Pilbara