The Yorta Yorta people and Parks Victoria are working towards using Dharnya as a centre for delivering a range of technical and tertiary education programs.<p>
The Dharynya Centre and surrounding Barmah State Forest lie within the traditional territory of the Yorta Yorta people. The Yorta Yorta have occupied this land for thousands of years.<p>
The collective knowledge and skills of the Yorta Yorta people frames the land. They intend to use this knowledge to provide experiences to help participants understand and respect Yorta Yorta culture and land.<p>
The project aims in the long-term to provide benefits for the Yorta Yorta people which will include:<p>
<li>Employment and expertise in heritage based education and tourism.</li>
<li>Increased community and industry respect and support for Yorta Yorta culture and their land. .</li>
<li>Innovative partnerships enabling the Yorta Yorta to overcome barriers caused by inadequate access to information. .</li>
<li>The positioning of Dharnya University of the Bush as a key component of an overall Aboriginal heritage experience for Victoria. </li></ul>
<b>The Journey</b><p>
The heritage education and tourism direction takes the Yorta Yorta on a difficult but potentially fulfilling journey.<p>
Aboriginal tourism to the Goulburn Murray region is currently very small and education packages in Victoria are very price driven and competitive. The Dharnya Centre is currently experiencing limited use and has little meaningful profile within the region, within Melbourne or within the tourism industry.<p>
Partnerships built over time will lead to increased opportunities to market the Dharnya Centre as a provider of a unique menu of educational experiences, training programs, events and merchandise based on the culture of the Yorta Yorta people and the heritage of their land.<p>
The guiding philosophy of the project is that taking part in the Yorta Yorta Cultural Experience will mean different things to different people: it could be health, sightseeing or learning. Access to undet;standing will be made easy and relevant - it will enlighten, inspire and change.<p>
The project has a number of key tasks that are required to ensure success.<p>
Partnership building<p><p>
The project will initially focus on developing a range of natural and cultural heritage educational packages for technical and tertiary educational institutions. Partners will be sought to develop education programs and exercises involving such things as student field trips and research projects.<p>
Partnership building will enable links to be made between Dharnya and the nearby Yenbena Indigenous Training Centre located at Barmah.<p>
In the long term, education and tourism packages will also be developed for ecotourists, bush walkers, bird watchers, artists, photographers and the like.<p>
The project is seeking funding to employ a suitably qualified person to establish the education programs in co-operation with the Yorta Yorta people and technical and tertiary institutions.
Funding is also needed for indigenous traineeships in heritage-based education and tourism.<p>
</b>Refurbishment of Dharnya Centre<p></b>
Upgrading existing facilities to create the 'hall of residence' for the university of the bush. Works to be undertaken include:<ul>
<li>Upgrade of the existing toilet facilities to an appropriate standard.</li>
<li>Demolish and remove the bunkhouse .</li>
Upgrade the kitchen and activity centre for use by school and corporate groups, and possibly for use to holiday campers for communal use similar to Youth Hostel Association sites.</li>
<li>Upgrade, to standard, the house and garage - for staff accommodation.</li>
<li>Develop camp ground area for tent based camping. .</li>
<b>Educational Opportunities</b><p>
The Dharnya area is co-operatively managed by the Yorta Yorta and Parks Victoria. It is a significant world heritage wetlands area the best of the best of its type the worlds most expensive Red Gum forest and wetlands boasting a spectacular range of native animal and plant species.<p>