Carlissa Barker

Carlissa Barker is one of the up and coming young generation of Roebourne area Indigenous painters and artisans. Taught by her mother, Marlene Evans, Carlissa produces stunning paintings, drawings and jewellery.<p>

Carlissa was born in Broome and now lives in Wickham. She attended Roebourne Primary School, and completed her secondary studies at Wickham District High School and Karratha Senior High School. Carlissa then attended Roebourne College of TAFE completing Certificate II in Business Studies, Certificate 1 in Engineering and a Horticulture course.<p>

Carlissa has never done any formal art studies; but her mother Marlene Evans is a traditional master painter and has passed on many skills.<p>

Carlissa enjoys the working environment and friendly atmosphere of Muralagauh Buai where she makes all kinds of jewellery out of different metals and is active in drawing and painting. <p>

Her work shows traditional influences and a natural ability to use colour and she excels as a draftswoman of complex patterns and Indigenous design.

Project description: 
Carlissa Barker is one of the up and coming young generation of Roebourne area Indigenous painters and artisans. Taught by her mother, Marlene Evans, Carlissa produces stunning paintings, drawings and jewellery.
Lead Organisation: 
Muralagauh Buai
Lead WWW: 
Contact Name: 
Raelene Saylor
Contact Phone: 
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Western Australia - Pilbara