NSW - Mid North Coast
Darlington Park Beach, Arrawarra (about 25 minutes north of Coffs Harbour NSW)
Three days
Event Date: 
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Contact Name: 
Carol Toms
Contact Phone: 
Contact Mobile: 
Contact Fax: 
(02) 6642 6021
Contact Email: 

In 1998, the State Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Dr Andrew Refshauge,
announced a major program for improving the health and living standards
of Aboriginal communities in NSW. The Aboriginal Communities Development
Program (ACDP) was established to invest $240 million over ten years to
raise the health and living standards of selected, priority Aboriginal
communities where major environmental health needs have been previously
An integral part of the ACDP was to develop employment and training
opportunities for community people whilst the program was implemented in
communities. It was also used to establish community-owned building
enterprises, operating as the primary contractors for the housing
construction and maintenance work to be carried out under ACDP. The
future sustainability of these building companies, private individual
companies that have been a legacy of this program, and both independent
and community aboriginal businesses in the construction industry are the
focus of this project. The training success of the ACDP program has seen
the off-shoot development of an array of independent building and
associated trades throughout NSW. It is proposed to ensure that as many
of these businesses are invited to attend the session.
During the period of the ACDP project over 18 Aboriginal building
companies were established, only 9 of these now remain. The end of the
major ACDP building projects is creating financial stress on the
remaining building companies. Whilst we may surmise the reasons for the
Building companies struggle to participate and compete in main stream
building projects to date no comprehensive study has been undertaken to
pinpoint barriers to sustainability or highlight areas of excellence. It
is proposed to use this project to research key questions and develop a
current snapshot of existing Aboriginal building companies and
associated tradespeople, their strengths and weaknesses, collate the
needs of major construction companies and government building tenders,
research other best practice models for Aboriginal building
organisations and programs that have been implemented in Australia and
develop an Action Plan including possible scenarios to assist the
current building companies to move forward into their future.
Under the pretext of the Aboriginal Participation in the Construction
Industry, a forum would be held over two days for Aboriginal businesses
involved in the Construction industry and participating
organisations/departments to come together to discuss and negotiate
future strategies for participation and involvement. The proposal is not
just about the forum but about the development of clear sustainable
pathways into the future for Aboriginal people involved in the
construction and building industries and to develop a synopsis of their
current situation.
This project will address the following key areas:
Provide identification and development of current Aboriginal
businesses in the construction industry in NSW
Provide for a quick snapshot of all identified businesses
(business review) via a telephone interview including their current
level of participation in the industry and current business statistics
(minimum of 15 business Interviews will be undertaken)
Provide small business training as part of the 2 day forum;
Provide business support services which are complementary or
bridge gaps in existing services;
May lead to implementation of best practice models to achieve
sustainable outcomes in the Aboriginal building industry;
Will create partnerships with all levels of government to
collaboratively identify key economic development opportunities for
Indigenous Aus Provide initiatives to ensure an effective and coordinated
delivery of services;
Develop partnerships between the Australian Government and
targeted industry bodies to collaborate with Indigenous Australians to
identify, build and fill employment and business opportunities within
their region based on the building industry; and
showcasing successful Indigenous enterprises involved in the
building and construction industry (through media participation and
development of power-point of businesses)
Identify knowledge or key skills that are needed for the
development of successful building companies
To provide a current snapshot of developed and developing Aboriginal
businesses involved in the construction industry through the development
of a database of identified businesses, their areas of expertise and
their skills.
To undertake a forum for the exchange of information, transfer of skills
and knowledge and develop a future action plan for Aboriginal building
companies to develop long term sustainable business operations. To
assist these ABCs to participate in the broader construction industry
using the Aboriginal policy for participation in the construction
Industry 2007, as a guide.
With the ACDP nearing completion in a number of communities in the North
West and North East DAA region, there is an opportunity for the
Aboriginal building companies to refocus on where they want to head in
the future. Some of the employees of these building companies have
already morphed into independent businesses showing the success of the
ACDP training program. It is the conglomerate of independent, community
based and ACDP Aboriginal construction businesses that will be the focus
of this project.
Whilst some building companies have wanted to take on mainstream work,
this exercise has to an extent, been dogged by various issues relating
to sustainability, capacity, expertise and experience which have limited
them in undertaking the work. Other factors such as external forces eg;
geographic location and competitive markets, have directly impacted on
building companies moving down this path. These limitations are of
primary concern to building companies in pursuing a future in the
construction industry
These issues need to be addressed and clear pathways and support
mechanism put in place to ensure that the Aboriginal building companies
and associated tradespeople can be sustainable into the future and
participate fully in mainstream construction projects.
Pre forum Analysis
1. Identify current Aboriginal businesses involved in the construction
- advertise in Koori Mail and Indigenous Times seeking these
businesses to contact project management team
- Contact IBA, AEDO, DSRD Aboriginal Business Development
Managers, DAA, Local Shire councils in the Northern Rivers, Taree, Coffs
Harbour, North Coast areas, (economic development officers), DEEWR, to
source referrals to knows Aboriginal businesses in the construction
- Contact businesses listed in the AHO Aboriginal builders list
2. Business Reviews
- Undertake telephone interviews with identified aboriginal businesses
in the construction industry to determine the following: (min 15
Current business management skills and limitations
Technical skills and limitations
Current Training programs and training pathways
Current building works, outside contract work, proportion of
income generation, major clients
What do they like about what they are doing now and what do they
feel needs improving
Perceived future directions, needs and issues.
This will be undertaken using a standard interview sheet. Attachment A
Undertake interviews with:
Department of Commerce Fair Trading
Department of Aboriginal Affairs HIA
ACDP Project Managers Master Builders Association
Workcover TAFE
To determine current level of involvement with the Aboriginal building
companies, services they have offered and can offer in the future,
criteria for access of services, costs, perceptions.
This will be undertaken using standard interview sheet Attachment A(ii)

Collected information from the building companies and associated
services will be collated and developed into a report containing draft
action plan for workshop. This will include a statistical outline of
Aboriginal participation in the industry e.g. found x number of
companies, providing x number of services, creating x number of revenue
and providing x number of jobs. A slideshow highlighting each business
and its services will also be developed to assist with the marketing and
promotion of each business to be shown during breaks etc at the forum.
Prior to the forum the project management team and facilitators will
research, collect and collate good practice information and projects in
other States and territories relating to Aboriginal building projects.
It is felt that it would assist and inspire the Building companies and
ensure that the group is not remaking the wheel.
Overview of Forum
The two day forum will provide group workshops, development of future
action plans through brainstorming, case studies of good practice,
professional advice in the areas of project management, developing
tenders, sustainable practice, sub-contracting, training, compliance,
Occupational Health and Safety and financing.
A full agenda is attached (Attachment B) although it is expected to be
flexible depending upon the outcomes of the pre-forum telephone
interviews and surveys.
Follow up and Feedback
All building companies and major participants will be contacted one week
after event to discuss forum, gain feedback and further input for
report. A questionnaire will be collected at the end of the forum from
each participant including Government and Industry representatives.

Report will be developed and distributed to all involved 4 weeks after
the event
DSRD will undertake telephone interviews approx 2 months after the
event. An update of the action plan will be undertaken to see what has
been implemented. Negotiations will be undertaken, where necessary, with
service providers on behalf of the Building companies to determine
status of projects and or support that was promised.
If recommended from the forum, it is expected that a collaborative
Networking body will be established.
Aboriginal Businesses in the construction industry will be invited to
attend. There will be an initial focus on businesses in the North Coast,
Mid coast, North west regions of NSW, A maximum of 2 KEY PERSONNEL will
be funded through the project to attend, including accommodation and
catering. Each business will be required to contribute their travel
costs to the forum. Additional representatives will be required to be
self funded. Government officials will be encouraged to participate and
contribute but will be required to pay for the costs of attending the
Day 1 Monday 17th November 2008
> Participants travel to Venue at Darlington Park Arrawarra
> Book into allocated rooms at receptions, collect keys and settle into rooms
> 7pm - Meet at Spinifex restaurant (Darlington Park)
Collect name tags
> Welcome to Country
> Introduction
Slideshow of all businesses and informal introductions of the group
> Housekeeping by Project Team
> Main meal (Buffet)
> Guest Speaker Centre for Aboriginal Independence and Enterprise
> Dessert

Day 2- Tuesday 18th November 2008- Morning
8-30am Conference Room Joint Session
> Outcomes from pre-forum interviews
Current statistics- acknowledgement of contribution
Emerging themes
Major Forum Ideas Growing better building businesses, Working together and working out who needs to be on your team
> Group Discussion and Brainstorm on outcomes to date
> Quick overview of other initiatives/ideas currently being implemented/trialled re Aboriginal building companies
> Draft Action plan
Morning session will include informal welcome and provide the opportunity for Aboriginal Building Companies to raise issues and concerns from their experience and perspective, provide a quick overview of other initiatives and develop a list of aims, impediments and future directions (start of defining action plan)
10.30am-10-45am Morning tea- in outdoor BBQ area
> Joint Panel Presentation from guest speakers Re NSW Aboriginal Participation in the Construction Industry Policy (Guest speakers are to be DAA , major construction company that has implemented policy, Andrew Hedgedus Regional Housing bodies and AHO/DOH)
Aboriginal Participation in the Construction industry Policy What is it? What does this mean to ABCs?, Current situation, Successes and issues, potentials, making it work for ABCs.
Questions and Answers
12.30pm-1:15pm Lunch in outdoor BBQ Area
1:15pm Conference room, split into plenary groups
> 1:20pm 1:50pm SESSION ONE
Group 1- RED (Games Room)
Fair Trading Session Licensing and requirements, Industry Training, Continuing professional development, checking licences, Questions and Answers, Information packs
Group 2 GREEN (outdoor BBQ area)
Workcover Being Safe work method statements, your obligations, asbestos, questions and answers, information packs
Group 3 YELLOW (Conference Room)
Working together- subcontracting to other major construction companies, partnership agreements, issues, contracts, legal implications, expectations, responsibilities, negotiating, how do I find out about subcontracts available (to be presented by Major construction company and DOH)
Group 4- BLUE (Main Atrium)
Taxation BAS, Super and Employee obligations, questions and answers, information packs provided
> 2:00pm 2:30pm SESSION TWO
Group 1- GREEN (Games Room)
Fair Trading Session Licensing and requirements, Industry Training, Continuing professional development, checking licences, Questions and Answers, Information packs
Group 2 YELLOW (outdoor BBQ area)
Workcover Being Safe work method statements, your obligations, asbestos, questions and answers, information packs
Group 3 BLUE (Conference Room)
Working together- subcontracting to other major construction companies, partnership agreements, issues, contracts, legal implications, expectations, responsibilities, negotiating, how do I find out about subcontracts available (to be presented by Major construction company and DOH)
Group 4- RED (Main Atrium)
Taxation BAS, Super and Employee obligations, questions and answers, information packs provided
2.30pm-2-45pm Afternoon tea- in outdoor BBQ area
> 2:45pm 3:00pm Group Session (Conference Room)
What did you think of the plenary sessions, feedback and discussion making additions to Action plan where needed?
> 3:00pm- 4:00pm TWO CASE STUDIES
Barker Goondee Construction
Independent Aboriginal builder based in Walgett
Aboriginal Connections Building Company, Kempsey
Aboriginal Building Company
Case studies will highlight successes, core issues, what has gone wrong and right and why? What has made the companies successful? What hurdles have they had to jump over? Open Discussion, questions and answers, general group discussion about experiences.
> 4:00pm- 4:30pm Brainstorm future Action plan Questions
> 4:30pm- 6:00pm FREE TIME
> 6:00pm Dinner A scrumptious bush tucker meal

Day 3- Wednesday 19th November 2008
9:00 am Conference Room Joint Session
> Housekeeping, questions introduction of Day
> Action Plan- Building Futures
Brainstorming the Action Plan and with the support of external and government bodies. Review action plan and insert appropriate services as identified from the invited participants. These will include:
- Industrial Relations
- Industry bodies including MBA and HIA
- Finance bodies including NAB and IBA
- Job Network providers
- Fair Trading
- Department of Aboriginal Affairs
- New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council
- Major construction companies
- Local Government Association
11:00am-11:15am Morning tea in Outdoor BBQ Area
11-15am 12:00 Conference Room Joint Session
> Financing the Business of Building- Master Builders Association
Master Builders will be asked to provide a hands on workshop, using worked examples, covering the finance aspects of building projects including:
- Job costing
- Costing overheads
- Job cash flows
- Financing a major job
- Insurance providing security
- People on your finance team
- Using your accountant
Questions and Answers, open discussion including information from NAB, IBA, CPA, HIA, re how their programs fit into the Financing of the business of building, information pack will be provided.
12:00-12:30pm Conference Room Joint Session
> Feedback from plenary session, feedback and discussion- making additions to action plan based on information from previous session
12:30- 1:15pm Lunch in Outdoor BBQ area
1:15pm 2:15pm Conference Room Joint Session
> Project Management
Master Builders will be asked to provide a hands on workshop, using worked examples, covering:
- Project Management
- Scheduling
- The impact of cash flows on scheduling and project management
- Quality Assurance
- Training opportunities
2:15pm- 2:30pm Conference Room Joint Session
> Feedback from plenary session, feedback and discussion- making additions to action plan based on information from previous session
2:30pm- 2:45pm Afternoon Tea outdoor BBQ area
2:45pm- 4:00pm Conference Room Joint Session
> Future Action plan brainstorming. Where to from here? Looking at possible scenarios for future development including possible regional alliance.
> Feedback and Completion of Evaluations
4:00pm-7:00pm Free Time
7:00pm Final Dinner Main Atrium
> Formal dinner
Thankyou and final presentation from DSRD/DEEWR
Guest Speaker Glenn Brennan
There are 30 funded positions available for eligible Aboriginal participants. Funded positions include forum, accommodation and meals. Accommodation is based on a shared cabin basis. Funded positions are limited.

All attendees will need to register by close date of 10'th November 2008
Relevant and interested Industry and Government representatives are also invited to attend at a charge of $380. This includes meals, accommodation and forum for the entire period. Additional options of single days, non shared accommodation are available.

For enquiries please contact Carol Toms (below) .

Comprehensive Building Industry Forum for Aboriginal participants in the Building Industry, sponsored by the Department of Employment & Workplace Relations (DEWR)and the NSW Department of State & Regional Development.

Event Type: