Film and Television

1,000 Flowers

I'd like to share my vision with you and invite you to spread the word across your networks, and to be part of an upcoming event called 1,000 Flowers.

Juluwarlu: Timeless Tradition meets Digital Media

<a href="">Micko Woodley and Lorraine Coppin explain the raison d'etre of Juluwarlu. Click here.</a><p>

<i>Juluwarlu</i> is an Indigenous corporation formed via the Commonwealth Aboriginal Associations Act of 1976. We employ 18 local people on a full-time basis, 15 of whom are Indigenous.<p>

Goolarri Training

In December 2003 Goolarri Media Enterprises received Registered Training Organisation (RTO) status. <p>

Goolarri Media Enterprises currently has an excellent reputation on the National Training Circuit, for its Reality Based training model and has won the WA State Training Award for Excellence in Sept 2003, and a finalist in the Prime Ministers National Training Awards. <p>


On the Edge

<i>On the Edge</i> is a 13x one hour drama series. Pindan Media is a small town communications and entertainment company representing a local melting pot of nationalities. Minority groups are the driving force behind Pindan. But on a shoe string budget, too many egos and not enough hours in the day, obstacles abound. Passions and tempers run high. The staff wade their way through the murkiness of politics and dark secrets to define their own stories with a real edge to them.

Calling Names

The crippling disease of racism finds its way into the school yard in this short drama. The story revolves around three twelve year old children who offer their own version of dealing with racism. Friends and potential darlings are lost, pride goes down the gurgler adn embarrassing moments arise.

More details of the script and its development can be obtained by calling Dot West at Goolarri Media as below.

<h3>Production Information</h3><p>

Forbidden Love

<i>Forbidden Love</i> is a feature film about an 18 year old, Alan Thompson, who is in a rut and his only escape from the doldrums of life is to end it now! But things are not that clear cut! His mother intervenes and the recovery process reveals that he's adopted. So Alan, with a new perspective on life, heads north to find his biological family. While pursuing his birth parents via a departmental paper chase, Alan discovers the culture of Broome, in North Western Australia.

Out of the Desert: The Walmajarri Exodus

From the recent publication by Magabala books, <i>Out of the Desert</i> is a series of first hand stories from the Walmajarri people who emerged from the Great Sandy Desert for the first time in the mid-twentieth century. These are stories of first contact from an Aboriginal perspective. The stories are told in the colourful patois of art and performance as well as traditional languages.

Bidyadanga to Oombulgurie: Off the Beaten Track

The Kimberley is one of the last great frontiers in Australia and is a major attraction for travellers who want more than a resort holiday.<p> <i>Off the Beaten Track</i> is a Leyland Brothers Adventure Series with a difference.<p>


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